This summary is wrote to fulfill the duty of reading text.
The key to raising righteous and successful children.
By Dr. Norlain Dindang Mababaya
Resume by Endang Estorina.
The importance of teaching islam.
In islam, be an important duty is teaching islam to the children. It means before we be a parent we as a muslim must learn about islam so that next time when we have childrens we can teach them it. Teaching knowladge of islam is also important because islam is based on the holly quran and hadist, it include a way to get a successful by different way from other. The way is responsible, respect and honor’s childrens to their parents.
In Islam we have to obey allah’s command, then obey parent’s command for as long as their command is not some thing that disobeys Allah. If we please our parents Allah will also give His please to us. It also means when we disobey our parent, same with we disobey Allah. There for we must be kind, respect and honor to our parents, specially when they get a old age, to attain Allah’s reward or success in the etenal world;hereafter. we ere called success cause of it.
How to raise a righteous and successful children??
A righteous childrens are childrens who please their parent and include their parents in their prays.
Allah, in many ayat of alquran has command us to please our parents after please Him, for example in quran surah al-baqoroh: 83, an-nisa’:36, al-an’am:151 and etc. He says:
واذاخذ نا ميثا ق بني اسرا ء يل لا تعبدون الا الله وبا لوالد ين احسنا نا وذي القر بي واليتمي والمسكين و قو لوا للنا س حسنا واقيموا االصلو ة واتواالز كوة ثم تو ليتم الا فليلا منكم وانتم معر ضون(البقرة:۸۳)
واعبد واالله ولا تشر كوابه شيئا وبا لوالد ين احسا نا وبذي القر بي واليتمي والمسكين واجار ذي القر بي والجار الجنب والصا حب بالجنب وا بن السبيل وما ملكت ايما نكم ان الله لا يحب من كان مختا لا فخورا(النساء:۳۶)
The underlined word shows that allah commamd us to please our parents. The commandment Not only in quran but also explained by many hadist.
To raise a righteous and successful children, we must teach them islam by our self. If we can do it due to some reason, as like we don’t have any time for it or we incapable to teach them, so we have send them to standart quality islamic school (ex: islamic boarding house)where they can avoid anythings that it can be a problem for them or hire a competentmuslims teacher who can teach the childrens islam during weekend so they will learn to be a righteous and thus attain success.
Need we knowing and remember that the childrens’s success means parents’s ultimate success too. It has same meaning that parents’s success is depend on childrens’s success.
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